Romance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysis

Romance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysis

"Isifundo" Guitar Isifundo No. 25

I-Gomez Romance: Ingxenye 2

Ingxenye yesibili yezothando izwakala ngo-E enkulu futhi iheha ngokushesha ukunaka ngenani elikhulu lokusetshenziswa kwendlela ye-barre. Ngokulingana okulungile kanye nesilungiselelo esifanele se-barre, akufanele ube nobunzima obuningi. Qaphela phakathi nesilinganiso sesishiyagalombili, lapho inombolo yesi-4 inamathiselwe khona. Ngikweluleka ngokuqinile ukuthi uthathe ngokushesha i-barre encane ku-IX kule ndawo, futhi ngesilinganiso sesishiyagalolunye, uqhubeke ubambe i-barre IXm (ikhonjiswe lapho), ngokushesha ubeke umunwe wesibili ku-X fret, ku-XI yesi-2. umunwe kanye nowesi-3 ku-4 fret. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngesikhathi sokubulawa, uzomane ubakhulise ngokushintshana. Romance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysisRomance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysisRomance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysisRomance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysis Lapha, ekupheleni kwengxenye yesibili ku-volt yesibili, i-chord enkulu ye-E iboniswa yi-flageolets ku-12 fret - lokhu kuyiphutha, ngoba i-chord iqukethe i-G ebukhali, ngakho-ke ngeke isebenze kuleli fomu. Romance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysis

"Romance of Gomez", amathebhu wesiginci Romance of Gomez on guitar ingxenye 2: amathebhu, amanothi, analysis ISIFUNDO ESINGAPHAMBILI #24 ISIFUNDO ESILANDELAYO #26

Романс Гомеса на гитаре

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